661 Fapet UB Students Conduct Thematic KKN to Develop Independent Farming Village in Magetan Regency

The Release of KKN-T Fapet UB Students by the Regent of Magetan

Students of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) are taking a thematic real work lecture (KKN-T) in Magetan Regency. This activity is intended for the 2020 batch students with a total of 661 students consisting of 561 undergraduate students majoring in Animal Husbandry Faculty of Animal Husbandry and 100 students of PSDKU animal husbandry study program.

They will devote themselves to the community one month from June 28 to July 28, 2022, and are divided into 40 groups. Each group is distributed to six sub-districts but with placements in different villages.

Such as Jabung Village, Ngiliran Village, Bedagung Village, Sukowidi Village, Wates Village, Desa. Milangasri, Cepoko Village, Sumberdodol Village, Terung Village, Tanjungsari Village, Tapak Village, Sumbersawit Village, Sidomulyo Village, Getasanyar Village, Sambirobyong Village, Campursari Village, Widorokandang Village, Sidokerto Village, Durenan Village, Sendangagung Village, Randugede Village, Sumberagung Village, Dadi Village, Ngancar Village, Pacalan Village, Kel. Sarangan, Bulugunung Village, Pendem Village, Janggan Village, Plangkrongan Village, Balegondo Village, Sumberdukun Village, Bangsri Village, Selopanggung Village, Banjarejo Village, Mojopurno Village, Banyudono Village, Joketro Village, Nglopang Village, and Krajan Village.

In the implementation, students will prepare a profile of village farms and its potential as well as entrepreneurship development according to the potential of each village. Meanwhile, at the sub-district level, counseling and mentoring activities are scheduled by Field Assistant Lecturers (DPL) together with students participating in KKN-T.

The departure of the participants was carried out by UB Rector, Prof. Widodo, S.Si.,M.Si.,Ph.D.Med.Sc together with the ranks of the Deans of Fapet UB in the rectorate field, Tuesday (28/6/2022). He advised students to maintain the good name of the alma mater by behaving politely, maintaining speech and attitude, and looking good and neat.

UB Rector dispatches Fapet UB students to Conduct KKN-T in Magetan

“If you want to be respected by others, then respect yourself first, the way you look, behave, and speak politely. Do not equate behaving with life in the city. Respect customs and follow local community regulations.” he said

Furthermore, the group of participants along with the ranks of the Dean and DPL slid to the Magetan regent’s office to hold the opening ceremony of the KKN T activity. The students were welcomed by the Regent of Magetan, Dr. Drs.H. Suprawoto, S.H, M.Si with the head of the sub-district and village officials at the Pavilion.

Dr. Suprawoto hopes that the presence of these students can help the community in dealing with obstacles and problems in raising livestock. And explore the potential of the Villages. So that it can strengthen independent farming villages in Magetan Regency.

After the acceptance ceremony, the Regent accompanied by the Dean symbolically released the students to be dispatched to each KKN-T location. (dta/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)