28 Study Programs at UB Receive AQAS International Accreditation

AQAS Consultant, Patrick Heinzer while Giving AQAS International Accreditation Certificate to the Dean of FEB, Abdul Ghofar, SE., M.Si., DBA., Ak

As many as 28 study programs at Universitas Brawijaya (UB) have received international accreditation by the Agentur zur Qualitätssicherung an Hochschulen mit Sitz in Köln (AQAS) accreditation agency.

Several study programs that have received international accreditation from AQAS include Bachelor of Law of the Faculty of Law, the FEB Entrepreneurship Undergraduate Program, the FEB Management Undergraduate Program, FTP Food Science and Technology Undergraduate Program, the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Masters Program, the Law Masters Program, FILKOM Systems Information, as well as Indonesian Language and Literature Education FIB.

UB Rector, Prof. Widodo said that International Accreditation is a parameter or standard for the education system so that students studying at UB, even though they study in Malang, have international standards.

AQAS Consultant Patrick Heinzer (left) presenting AQAS International Accreditation Certificate WD III FTP Dr. Ir. Mochamad Bagus Hermanto, S.TP., M.Sc.

“The hope is that students can take credit and study more easily in Europe and countries around the world in continuing their studies,” said the former Dean of FMIPA.

Prof. Widodo added that internationalization is a challenge for various campuses, not only in Indonesia.

“Internationalization does not only talk about students’ ability to speak English but their involvement in research. The support of students, UB and faculty is the beginning of UB’s development in the international community,” he said.

Meanwhile, AQAS Consultant Patrick Heinzer said, “UB is a university with a very good reputation and a university that has succeeded in getting accreditation for its study program. This is a testament to the hard work of the teachers and the institute,” said Patrick.

AQAS is an international accreditation body based in Germany.

Chairman of the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina, S.H., M.H., said there are seven AQAS criteria that must be met in order to obtain International Accreditation, namely curriculum quality, quality assurance procedures, teaching and learning process and assessment, admissions, lecturer quality, academic atmosphere, public information. (Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).