Mulai Selasa 18/1, Pusat Pengembangan E-Learning Universitas Brawijaya menyelenggarakan kuliah jarak jauh (distance leaning) bioteknologi dengan pengajar dari Tohoku University Jepang. Perkuliahan terdiri dari 15 sesi atau topik kuliah, dan akan berakhir 15 Maret 2005. Yang menarik, setiap topik perkuliahan ini akan disampaikan oleh seorang profesor tertentu, sehingga akan ada 15 orang profesor yang terlibat. Perkuliahan ini diikuti oleh mahasiswa pasca sarjana, baik S2 maupun S3. Berikut adalah jadwal lengkap bulan Januari hingga Maret 2005.
Jadwal Januari
Selasa 18/1, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Introduction of lecture series – Biotechnology in Tohoku University -” oleh Prof. Eimei SATO dan Prof. Yukio AKIBA dari Tohoku University; “Animal biotechnology – Recent Advances of biotechnology in animal reproduction” oleh Prof. Eimei SATO dari Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University; Kamis 20/1, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Animal biotechnology – Recent advances of biotechnology in poultry nutrition” oleh Prof.Yukio AKIBA dari Animal Nutrition, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University; Selasa 25/1, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Animal biotechnology – Microbial treatment of the environment of animal production”
oleh Prof. Yutaka NAKAI dari Laboratory of Animal Health and Management, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University; Kamis 27/1, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Plant biotechnology – Plant breeding by the control of plant reproductive systems.” oleh Prof.Takeshi NISHIO dari Laboratory of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University.
Jadwal Februari
Selasa 1/2, 2005 16:00-18:00 JST, “Plant biotechnology – Nitrogen metabolism in plants – Glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthese in rise” oleh Prof. Tomoyuki YAMAYA dari Laboratory of Plant Cell Biochemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University; Kamis 3/2 16:00-18:00 JST, “Plant biotechnology – Plant biotechnology for the development of plants with novel characteristics” oleh Associate Prof. Kinya TORIYAMA dari Laboratory of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University; Selasa 8/2, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Mechanism of disease resistance in plants – Plant biotechnology – Study on a resistance gene for Cucumber mosaic virus” oleh Associate Prof. Hideki TAKAHASHI dari Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Department of Life Science, Graduate School of Agriculture Science, Tohoku University; Selasa 15/2, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Biotechnology of microorganisms – Oxygen tolerance mechanism of a lactic acid bacteria and its application to probiotics” oleh Prof. Yoshiyuki KAMIO dari Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tohoku University; Kamis 17/2, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Biotechnology of microorganisms – Metabolic engineering for hyperproduction of amino acids in bacteria” oleh Prof. Ryoichi KATSUMATA dari Graduate School of Agriculture, Division of Bioscience and Biotechnology for Future Bioindustries,Tohoku University; Selasa 22/2, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Biotechnology of microorganisms – Recent advances in molecular biotechnology of filamentous fungi used for oriental food manufacturing” oleh Prof. Katsuya GOMI dari Laboratory of Bioindustrial Genomics, Division of Bioscience and Biotechnology for Future Bioindustries, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University; Kamis 24/2, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Food biotechnology – Enzymatic process to produce the functional structured lipids”, Prof. Kenshiro FUJIMOTO oleh Department of Science of Food Function and Health, Graduate, School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University.
Jadwal Maret
Selasa 1/3, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Food biotechnology – Functional properties of food proteins and peptides” oleh Prof. Koji MURAMOTO dari Laboratory of Biomolecular Function, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University; Selasa 8/3, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Food biotechnology – Development of new functional yogurts by using probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics” oleh Prof. Tadao SAITO dari Laboratory of Animal Products Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University; Kamis 10/3, 16:00-18:00 JST,
“Food biotechnology – Food histology and biotechnology” oleh Prof. Takahiro YAMAGUCHI dari Laboratory of Functional Morphology, Department of Animal Biology. Graduate School of Agriculture Science, Tohoku University; Selasa 15/3, 16:00-18:00 JST, “Economic aspects of biotechnology – Economic development and bioscience in Asia” oleh Prof. Hitoshi YONEKURA dari Resource Management and Development Policy, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University. [HSD]